With Ford’s new incentive protection program, you can lock in the incentives when you order your new vehicle at Bill Brown Ford in Livonia, Michigan. Don’t wait for a better deal. Get peace of Mind knowing if the special offers available at the time of your delivery are better than when you ordered. That’s what you get! When you place your custom order, Bill Brown’s expert sales team works with you to get the most significant discounts available without any hidden fees or surprise charges. At the time of your delivery, if the available deals, specials, or incentives offer a bigger discount, you can decide which you prefer! Basically, you’re eligible for the greatest discounts at the time of your purchase, whether you order online or visit their local Michigan Ford dealership in person. Their goal is to make buying a car easy and hassle-free. So don’t hesitate – Custom order your new Ford today and get $1000 dollars off.
What is Custom Ordering a New Ford?
Bill Brown Ford has the fastest and easiest personalized auto buying process in the metro Detroit area. When you place an order, you configure a brand new Ford based on the model, trim, and features that work with your lifestyle, compared to purchasing available inventory on the dealership’s lot. Bill Brown will update you once your order has been accepted, providing updates and resources to track it. You’ll sign the Purchase Agreement, which is the agreement to buy the vehicle with your dealer when it arrives. If you’re interested in a Ford vehicle without an order bank currently closed, you can SAVE YOUR SPOT with Bill Brown Ford’s unique vehicle reservation process.
“SAVE YOUR SPOT” at Bill Brown Ford in Livonia, MI
Bill Brown recently introduced their new “SAVE YOUR SPOT” process for customers interested in buying a highly desired Ford vehicle with a closed order bank. By reserving your spot on their priority waitlist, you’ll ensure the fastest possible experience when Ford begins taking orders for the next generation of 2023 Ford cars, SUVs, and Trucks in the coming months. Once Ford starts accepting reservations, a Bill Brown team member will guide you through your vehicle purchasing journey and help convert your spot in line to an order. No purchase commitment or deposit is required once your name is added to the list. Bill Brown is the only dealer that offers a one-car-one-salesperson approach. Their sales team will help you find the perfect car that fits your lifestyle needs while providing the best Ford specials, financing options, employee incentives, and trade-in allowances to ensure you get everything you want without hassle. Visit Bill Brown today to receive up to $1000 off your next custom order! If you are a Ford employee, be sure to cash in on your employee incentives with Ford’s AXZ Plan pricing.